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Better Relationships

Learning How To Effectively Resolve Conflicts: Keys To Developing Better Relationships Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, whether it be between family members, friends, or colleagues. As the world changes and stressors increase, so do the amount of conflicts people are facing – creating a need to learn skills for

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Assertive Communication

Effective Assertive Communication: How To Speak Up With Confidence And Clarity Knowing how to express yourself effectively is crucial in any situation, whether it be professional or personal. In this article, we’ll explain what assertive communication is, discuss the benefits of being assertive, and provide useful tips on how to

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Conquer Anxiety

Conquer Anxiety: 10 Simple But Powerful Techniques To Live Stress-Free Are you tired of feeling anxious, overwhelmed and constantly stressed? Don’t give up hope just yet! In this article, I’m going to share with you 10 simple but powerful techniques for overcoming anxiety, freeing your mind from worry and providing

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Information Overload

Information Overload: How Your Brain Is Being Negatively Impacted By Too Much Data Are you overwhelmed by the amount of data thrown your way by technology and digital media? If so, you’re not alone – it’s becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the sheer volume of information we’re exposed to

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How To Increase Your Self-Esteem

How To Increase Your Self-Esteem:  10 Proven Strategies For Building Positive Self-Image Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Or like no matter what you do, it won’t make any difference in how people view you? If so, you’re not alone. Building positive self-esteem can be hard work,

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Completely Cleaning Up Your Past

Completely Cleaning Up Your Past: How To Finally Put An End To That Painful Memory We all have moments in our lives that we would like to forget and move on from. Whether it be a painful break up, old regretful decisions or simply a dark past, these moments can

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8 Tips For Anxious/Angry People

8 Tips For Anxious/Angry People We’ve all been there: we get stuck in traffic and find ourselves getting more and more frustrated that it’s going to take us 20 more minutes to arrive at our destination. Suddenly, the other driver makes a decision to do something dangerous that forces us

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Reasons to Practice Forgiveness to Heal Yourself

Reasons to Practice Forgiveness to Heal Yourself… Forgiveness is the single best thing you can do to heal your self-talk. In forgiveness, we are literally rewiring our brains and giving ourselves more power. Fostering habits of forgiveness When you harbor feelings of anger and resentment, it takes a toll on

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Sound Sleep: The Key to Better Health

Sound Sleep: The Key to Better Health Take time out of your day to get a solid 7-8 hours of good, deep sleep and you’ll notice that you start waking up in the morning refreshed. That’s because sound sleep is what underpins better health. Read about these reasons for insomnia

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