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How To Overcome OCD With The CBT Technique: 5 Simple Steps

How To Overcome OCD With The CBT Technique: 5 Simple Steps

If you’re like me, then you will know how it feels to constantly be frustrated and upset because of your anxiety. And that smart logical part of your brain is telling you to just get a grip on yourself and stop worrying about it-but no matter what reasoning happens, anxiety kicks in. “CBT” – or cognitive behavioral therapy – is one method used by psychologists to help people with OCD to regain the healthy ability to control their thoughts and feelings.

What is OCD?

There are many different types of OCD, but all share certain common features. People with OCD experience obsessions, which are Recurrent, persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress. These obsessions lead to compulsions, which are Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform in order to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsession.

Compulsions can take many different forms, but they all serve the same purpose: to relieve the anxiety caused by the obsessions. Common compulsions include excessive hand washing, cleaning, checking (e.g., doors, stoves), ordering and symmetry. Some people with OCD also engage in compulsive hoarding behavior.

People with OCD often recognize that their thoughts and behaviors are unreasonable or excessive, but they feel unable to control them. This can lead to a great deal of distress and disruption in their lives.

How to Overcome OCD Using CBT Technique

If you’re looking for an effective way to overcome your OCD, the CBT technique may be just what you need. CBT, or cognitive-behavioral therapy, is a type of therapy that can help you change your thinking and behavior patterns.

The first step in overcoming OCD with CBT is to identify your thoughts and beliefs about your obsessions and compulsions. Once you’re aware of these thoughts, you can start to challenge and change them. For example, if you believe that you have to wash your hands 40 times a day to be safe from germs, you can start to question that belief.

Next, you’ll start to expose yourself to the things that trigger your OCD behaviors. This may involve touching doorknobs or entering rooms without washing your hands first. At first, this exposure may make your OCD symptoms worse. But with time and practice, you’ll start to feel more comfortable with the situation and your symptoms will lessen.

Finally, you’ll learn some coping techniques that will help you deal with your OCD in a more positive way. For example, instead of spending hours washing your hands, you’ll learn how to take a quick shower instead. With practice and patience, these techniques can help you overcome OCD and live a more normal life.

5 Simple Steps: Awareness, Observation and Body Practice, Unwanted Thought Prevention, New associations Generation, Benefits and Disadvantages of CBT Treatment

CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is a type of therapy that has been shown to be effective in treating OCD. The CBT technique involves four simple steps: awareness, observation, body practice, and unwanted thought prevention.

  1. Awareness: The first step is to become aware of your thoughts and behaviors. This may mean keeping a journal or paying close attention to your daily routine.
  2. Observation: Once you are aware of your thoughts and behaviors, you can begin to observe them without judgment. This includes observing how your thoughts make you feel and how your behaviors affect your life.
  3. Body Practice: After observing your thoughts and feelings, you can start to practice changing your body language. This may involve practicing different postures or breathing exercises.
  4. Unwanted Thought Prevention: The final step is to prevent unwanted thoughts from entering your mind in the first place. This may mean learning how to relax or using visualization techniques.


If you’re struggling with OCD, you’re not alone. But there is help available, and you can overcome your OCD with the help of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of therapy that helps people change their thoughts and behaviors in order to improve their mental health. If you’re ready to give CBT a try, here are five simple steps to get started:

  1. Find a therapist who specializes in CBT.
  2. Learn about what OCD is and how it affects you specifically.
  3. Identify your main triggers for OCD symptoms.
  4. Work on changing your thoughts and behaviors related to your OCD triggers.
  5. Practice stress management and self-care so that you can better cope with any remaining symptoms of OCD.

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