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Though Having individual characteristics and traits we all are judged and trained equally in schools .We persue different activities as per our hobbies like music dance drawing sculpture and according to interest want to excel in that. Some are mathematics scholars while others are linguistic genius but due to lack of different parameters we suffer being handled in the same way.

Every individual have a unique personality like some are introverts and some extroverts.We explore our skills through various platforms and environments. We feel secure with our friends and family members who motivates us to choose the field according to interest. Our career can be our passion or a thing we want to work on. We should learn to dream big and work hard to accomplish it .whatever we choose, should try to keep in mind our interests. Ex.When a designer looks at his designs the beauty in it brightens his eyes and make him feel complete. As the person believes and trusts himself he knows he can do his best and succeed.

For example scientist believes are stronger than our so they whenever feel tired even after multiple failures in experiments but feel satisfied even after a 0.1% chance of success. In life when we make choices with our interests and then dream big our dreams can never scare us will instead strengthen us. when the earth is viewed from the Galaxy it looks eternally beautiful but as we stay here we never realise it.In the same way careers and jobs have such differences that if we have a passion and ambition in it the unfavorable environment can never demotivate us.

Success is is all about how much you walk and what you get. Every situation is an opportunity to prove ourself as a good opportunity never exists, you just make good out of it. If there is a problem then there is a chance to invent the solution. Today we have all the facilities like social media internet electronic gadgets all comforting accessories like washing machine AC television etc we enjoy this because someone took the problem and tried to find a solution to it.

Whenever you start with any field start it easy to boost yourself slow your speed in the journey to dig deep into the field then try to explore every aspect of that skill and other connected fields of the career. Though that would seem you tough to manage all the things but ultimately will land you too a vast Canvas of your field. Always remember two things can help you first think like a child or be like a child second think about what you can do if you were to handle it.

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