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May 24, 2022 at 12:00 am Chetana Happy Village

“Empower चेतना” Webinar

Chetna Empowerment Foundation and Share and Care Foundation jointly organized the event at Tehsil Office Aurangabad on 21 may 2022. under the theme ‘Empower चेतना‘ to enhance the strength of mind.

For the last 10 years, Chetna Empowerment Foundation has been taking responsibility of personality development of needy, budding and gifted students and also working for mental empowerment, addiction free educational campus, digital awareness as well as education.

So far, we have helped 100+ students in education. The work of empowering about 115,000 people has been done through Chetana.   We are all very much aware of the growing emotional distress and mental health issues around the world. Due to the Corona situation this question is taking the form of a disorder. However, under Mental Empowerment, Chetna Empowerment Foundation and Share & Care Foundation recognized the need of the hour and under the theme ‘Empower चेतना ‘,

Under this theme ‘The Secret of Happy Life and Digital Wellness’ workshop of three and a half hour has been conducted successfully at Marathwada Revenue Training Academy, Aurangabad in which Mitali Lathi spoke on the importance of making people aware of mental stress, its effect on physical immunity and effective ways to get out of stress, with simple but effective tools and techniques and secrets of a happy life.

75+ officers participated in this workshop. Anjali Dhanorkar (Deputy District Officer) and Dr. Bharat Kadam (Deputy District Officer) were present.

We need to strengthen our minds in a stressful life. This type of training has become a need of the hour. The officers expressed their words and shared their thoughts.

This service also provides free counseling as needed; We have reached over 20000 people through 250+ webinars under the theme ‘Empower चेतना ‘.  We want to reach as many people as possible in the future.






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