Use Smart Phone Smartly

Use Smart Phone Smartly

Chetana Empowerment Foundation organize Digital Wellness Program in Radhakrishna Madhyamik School, Aurangabad completed public awareness program on screen (mobile etc.) addiction!

Chetana Empowerment Foundation, Aurangabad and Share and Care Foundation organized a public program on excessive use of internet and other screens on Thursday, 08 December 2022 at Radhakrishnik Vidyamandir, Aurangabad. A total of 550 and 15 teachers participated in this program.

We are all aware of the increasing use of mobile screens around the world and the physical, mental and emotional problems it causes. Due to Corona situation, this problem is increasing in a big way. As each generation of children grows smarter, their emotional and social skills seem to decline.

Chetna Empowerment Foundation (CEF) has been successfully working on mental health since 2012. Through the program ‘Emotional Wellness through Digital Wellness’ by the organization till date 25 schools are being sensitized through the innovative drama “Smart Kon Mi Ka Maja Fone”. Till date more than 11000 students have been sensitized through digital wellness and counseling has been provided to the needy.

Through this program, students were guided on how to use mobiles properly and usefully. Akash Fulzalke and Chetana Jeevan Nirman student Amrit Bhosale; presented a beautiful street play for symbolic de-addiction and through this play the students got a message about the side effects of mobile phones and how to use screens in a healthy way.

Gayatri Randad gave the students an experience of meditation and explained the importance of using meditation to increase concentration and reduce excessive use of mobile phones.

At this time, one of the students said in his mind that today we understood the information about the harmful effects of mobile and also understood how to use it properly, today’s program inspired me, from today I will minimize the use of mobile.

A teacher said in his experience that I was using mobile more and more today it opened my eyes. As the drama continued, I felt like I was addicted to mobile without knowing it. From today I will use my mobile properly. I’m smarter than a smart phone so thank you all.

During this project, a detailed session has been organized in the school and free counseling is also going to be done to the needy students.

To make this program a success, the principals, all the teachers, assistants etc. of all these schools got special support.

If you want to organize Asha type of public awareness program then contact Chetna Office (8830434807).

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