हौसलों कि उड़ान

Inauguration of Bal Sanskar Shibir ‘हौसलों कि उड़ान’ at Chetana Happy Village!

Every year Chetana Empowerment Foundation organizes a children’s camp, this year at the initiative of the organization at Kayagaon Dist. W. A 3-days Residential Bal Sanskar Camp ‘हौसलों कि उड़ा was organized from 17th to 19th December 2022 at Happy Village Shamwadi, Palashi, Aurumabad for the promising but needy students of class 4th to 7th.

Today school education is increasing the intellectual capacity of students but the mental and emotional balance is deteriorating. For that, there is a great need for value education so that a strong student can become a great asset for society and nation building from the last 7 months in the 9th district of Kaygaon. W. A project based on life values ​​is being implemented by Chetana Empowerment Foundation for regular three days a week for school students.

On the occasion of the inauguration of this Shibir, M.G.M. Hospital Chief Endoscopist, Liver Transplant Surgeon Dr. Pravin Suryavanshi as Chief Guest and Mr. Omprakash Rathi, MD Kaygaon Paper Mills Ltd. And Mr. Akshay Rathi, Director, Kayagaon Paper Mills Ltd. Mr. Sureshji Sakla (Sakla Group), President Vivek Randad and Secretary Mr. Murli Gunge Patil were present as special guests.

The guests lit the lamp and inaugurated the ‘हौसलों कि उड़ान’ Bal Sanskar shibir. Dr. Pravin Suryavanshi told all the teachers the importance of value education and mentioned that organizing such a culture camp is extremely important for becoming a well-educated person as well as a well-educated citizen. Also, in his guidance, he encouraged all the children to take advantage of this camp for self-welfare.

During the three days of the camp, these students will learn different arts (art and craft) as well as life value based demonstrations and participate in various sports, adventure, drama performance, proper use of mobile, meditation, zumba, aerobics and cultural programs. Being more in touch with nature throughout the camp day will fill them with positive energy.

Secretary of the organization, Shri Murli Gunge Patil thanked everyone and announced that the children’s camp ‘Houslon Ki Udan’ has been inaugurated. The coordinator of the program is Hon. Done by Gayatri Randad.

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